Friday, July 31, 2009

I used to love H.E.R.

Smooth words drew me in
Sweet words let me stay
True words made me leave

I remember the sweet sound that exited her lips
Her crippling look of seduction
The tender touch that no human could fathom


That's what she brought me
Her love was more intoxicating than any drink
Sweeter than honey from the best hive
Strong feelings engulfed my entire being
All from her presence alone


That's what she did to my heart
My soul
My trust
My faith in her
My faith in love...


The cycle of love and heartbreak
Continued like the same line of a scratched record
Her smooth words drew me in
Her sweet words let me stay
Her true words made me leave

It's true
I used to love H.E.R.
Because her smooth words drew me in
Because her sweet words let me stay
Her true words
Made me love